Style Sangria

a contemporary style blog written by a 20-something, wine-loving fashionista

Fashion is a Reflection of Your Life

Mackenzie ChigloComment

This is such a great quote from Pharrell Williams, not only because it speaks to the point that fashion should be realistic, but also that it can change based on what you are personally feeling. In a sense, I believe that this is really talking about style, since style is so unique to each individual. For me, I definitely have my core style that will never change, but my mood each morning is what really determines the feel of my final outfit choices, and what kind of vibe I will give off each day. Some days I lean very feminine, with pastel color palettes and floral patterns, while other days I feel a little more edgy, and decide on blacks and greys with leather accents. We, and our fashion choices, just like the world around us, are always changing.